In Memory of





Condolence From: Dick Thompson
Condolence: I was saddened when I was notified of Joe's passing as we had attended school together in HdeG all those years. I think of the Correri Family often as I make my Dick's Wildroot Horseradish, Apriot flavor, because When in high school in purchased dried apriots from Correri"s produce and carried them in my pocket and ate them. That gave me the idea to make the Apriot flavor which I sell nation wide My thoughts are with you.
Saturday August 23, 2014
Condolence From: Jackson family
Condolence: Please accept our deepest sympathy. May all you good memories out weigh your sadness during this difficult time. ( Isaiah 25:8)
Wednesday August 20, 2014
Condolence From: Charles and Carolyn Cook
Condolence: Dear Lucile. Many prayers for you and your family on the loss of Joe. I know that he was a good man and father. It was great having lunch with you and Mike Kennedy, and Karen and myself a bit ago. I am glad that we were able to do that. May the Lord take you in his arms and give you the peace you need. Lucile, please take care of yourself. Are prayers are with you. Carolyn and Charles Cook
Wednesday August 20, 2014
Condolence From: Daniel I. Webster
Condolence: Thank you for faithful guidance by how you lived your life; thank you for agreeing to be my Godfather. You blessed me by your example and tired-less push through an incredibly challenging passage in your journey. I pray that your example and memories continue to bless and heal each of us as we journey through life's challenges and joys. I am glad to have share part of my life with you. May your soul rest in peace and may I recognize you with the communion of saints during the "breaking of the bread".
Tuesday August 19, 2014
Condolence From: Terri Holmes
Condolence: My thoughts and prayers are with my Aunt Lucille and the rest of my family. I will cherish the memories I have of Uncle Joe. I will always remember growing up and my mom taking to see his prized train collection at Christmas.
Tuesday August 19, 2014
Condolence From: John P. Correri jr
Condolence: I am very saddened to have lost a very special Uncle, I learned so much from you and shared many great memories together. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Aunt Lucille and family. Rest in peace, uncle Joe, your work on this earth is done. Love Lin & John
Tuesday August 19, 2014
Condolence From: Mary Frances Walker
Condolence: Lucille and Family, I am so sad to hear of Joe's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you all .
Monday August 18, 2014